Every day we come into contact with new media. The touch of a cell phone screen, electronic games, restaurants, social networks. All these environments can bring new dimensions of space, the perception of things and new forms of interaction within digital media.
The term new media here refers to digital media. These are numerical, using binary codes. New media are thus contrasted with "old" media, analog media. Analog media tend to be fixed, exist as physical objects, and lose quality when copied; digital media, on the other hand, tend to be dynamic, are stored in computer memory, and can be replicated without loss of quality.

From the Boomer generation to Generation Z a lot has changed. New media are suffocating old media as they stop innovating and become uninteresting to younger audiences. The proportion of time an adult over 55 spends consuming new media has increased in the last 5 years. From 42% of all media in 2015 to 50% in 2019. For people aged between 16 and 34, this gap has risen from 59% to 73%.

Brazilians spend an average of nine hours and 29 minutes on the internet every day, second only to the Philippines in the world ranking. On social media alone, they spend three hours and 34 minutes a day browsing.
However, people, regardless of generation, still need to keep up to date and seek entertainment. And with the emergence of new media, what changes is the means by which this information and entertainment is consumed.
Innovate in yourself
An example of this is content in audio format, which is now being heard more and more through podcasts with independent programs from broadcasters. This concept, which began in 2006 with the iPod, taking advantage of .mp3 audio compression technologies and distribution via an RSS feed, has reinvented what radio used to be.
This has made a content model that depended on a studio and satellite for recording and broadcasting, now accessible to everyone. And it's the removal of the bottleneck that brings diversity. People like this format because they can choose the subject, what they listen to, where and when (on demand).
Some content formats have a smooth transition between old and new media. This is the case with ebookwhich hasn't changed much with its digitization. However, it comes with a content model that has also been revitalized, but with a much greater impact on the way old media is consumed. O audiobook.
In the 1980s, narrated books could only be found on tape and were not very accessible. Today they're a big part of Amazon's business, with its platform Audibleand are often recommended when buying a ebookand vice versa. Part of this is because many people tend to read and listen to a book simultaneously. Between 2012 and 2015 sales of audiobook increased by 85% according to the Association of American Publishers.
The benefits of consuming educational content in audio format are immense when combined with text. According to Western Down Libraries, audiobooks increase reading accuracy in 52%. They help expand vocabulary and reading speed. When combined with reading, they teach pronunciation. Increase text comprehension by up to 76%. This is because listening is the first language skill we develop and is how we learn about 85% of everything around us.
Over time, we can see that digital media bring this multifocal experience between image, sound, text and even touch. The more we interact with the social network, the more interesting it becomes. And it is by seeking to understand how users expect to interact and what the most appropriate meaning is for that need that new social media emerge.
In the early days of the internet, social media were created that we still know today. Like Craigslist, which is used to publish online advertisements. We can think of it as a renewal of the classified ads of the print media. And like a wave, social networks are created, peak and often fall by the wayside as new platforms come along that better understand user behavior and what the needs are at that moment.
As happened with Orkut, which was created in 2004, the same year as competitor Facebook. Understanding usage patterns better and being more innovative, years later it overtook one of the networks most remembered by Brazilians. The important thing is that with each new social network, new behaviors emerge in society: testimonials, text, likes, followers and influencers. Despite being digital media, they are significant enough to bring transformation to the "real" world.

The digital influencers These are the people who, since blogging, have a greater say in shaping public opinion on a particular subject. Now, in the age of Instagram, this has become so clear that advertisers prefer to run campaigns with influencers rather than celebrities.
What weeks ago we thought was a new network, Tik Tok, this week has already given way to Clubhouse. With a change in format and purpose from other networks, the platform has already generated a lot of content about the changes we will face when we dive into this new world, which is the evolution of a classroom with a live exchange of knowledge. The highlight of this new feature is the tangible possibility of being able to talk directly to influencers, mentors and people you admire.
This movement of admiration and attention for these personalities is relatively new. Celebrities have always been very inaccessible, making movies and soap operas. A reality that was always very distant. With the popularization and rise of influencers by showing their routines, behind the scenes and participating in the same social networks, the connection has become much deeper.
What's more, it decentralized the power of influence over the population. For the market, it has been a positive transformation. The public has the opportunity for identification, access and a much broader opinion. Advertisers, on the other hand, are able to advertise with less money, reaching niches that were previously much more difficult to reach, focusing on consumer experience and with a language closer to the end user. And yes, digital influence does result in a purchasing action. There are many cases who have used this strategy.
This has a lot to do with the change in social interactions, what happens online is a desirable world. People are starting to copy these actions. A visual example of this are the Tik Tok dances that are done not only on the platform, but also at family and friends' gatherings. Just as social media adapts to people's behavior, they also migrate behaviors to suit the platforms.
But what about in practice?
- Adhere to new media whenever it makes sense with your purpose and try to understand how it influences your audience's behavior.
- Create connection and proximity with your consumers.
- Promoting a community that believes in its purpose.
- Be present on new social networks to understand how they work.
- Promote business-to-business interactions, because on the other side there are also people behind the companies.
- Regardless of new media, know what subjects your audience is interested in and talk about them.
A new medium emerges to bring more accessibility and/or solve a problem that an old medium had. The platforms that emerge over time are also studied to fill a behavioral need. And, contradictorily, new media also affect society's attitudes. This can be seen very clearly when we compare generations and their consumption habits.
Here at Enredo, we study which media make sense for us to be present and active in. In the last year, we've seen it as a very rich opportunity to get closer to podcasts. What's more, we have a number of articles on the same subject as the audio content for better understanding and coverage of the subject.