Enredo cria comunicação de produto do estande Infinity Business by Pininfarina


City and O.M Inc. invited us to develop the product communication for the Infinity Business by Pininfarina stand. The Italian design firm gained worldwide fame developing the Ferrari bodies. Since then, they have developed several other projects of the finest design, among them several real estate developments, and Goiânia, receives its first Pininfarina with an initiative of the junction of these 2 large real estate developers. 

The stand was designed by Victor Tomé. He created everything from the interior design to the decoration, and we conducted what we do best: the experience within the environment, reinforcing the product and the brand. 

Our aim was to tell a story, from one-off interventions such as a phrase or even to explore the history of Pininfarina. We were inspired by the design of the building itself to develop a structure that fits all the rendered images. The ambience reinforces the history of all these brands and enhances this great development. 

Photos by Marcelo Medeiros
