O mercado de delivery e digitalização de empresas
Na última live do Enredo Convida, conversamos com Celso Brandão, co-founder do EntregaWeb, primeira plataforma de delivery online e hoje Head de Marketing da DeliveryMuch, focada em delivery fora dos grandes centros urbanos.
Desde a criação do EntregaWeb, em 2011, Celso foi pioneiro nesse mercado de compras online, convivendo com diversas transições culturais e comportamentais quando ao consumo. Como esse mercado está caminhando? Quais os caminhos para os negócios se evidenciarem nesse setor? Por onde começar a digitalizar negócios tradicionais? Esses foram alguns dos temas pelos quais passamos nessa conversa.
Employee Branding e Trabalho Remoto
Convidamos a Lud Pimenta, do RHlab, uma iniciativa pioneira no Brasil que tem ajudado a repensar o RH no país, com foco estratégico e pautado em ferramentas de inovação como Gamification, Design Thinking e Agile.
Acompanhe essa conversa transparente e descontraída sobre Futuro do Trabalho, Projetos em Rede e os desafios sobre a Gestão de Pessoas.
Fluxo de Caixa e Gestão.
No Enredo Convida, conversamos com Juliano Martins, CEO da Marbo Contábil. O especialista em gestão, com passagens pela KPMG e Foraco (FR) deu o seu ponto de vista sobre o que gestores e empresas deveriam fazer considerando o momento. Temas como Boas Práticas, Fluxo de Caixa, Tributos e Governo foram discutidos nessa conversa rica e esclarecedora.
Gestão de Pessoas, Liderança e Engajamento de times
Conversamos com Eduardo Afonso, um dos sócios da Atma Genus, consultoria de Change Management e Behavior Design. Através da Atma, Edu tem liderado um grande movimento de humanização das empresas, ajudando marcas como L’Oreal, Itaú, Ultragaz e Ifood.
Um papo inspirador sobre novos olhares sobre a gestão de pessoas em tempos de incerteza.
O Cenário de Vendas em Home-Office
Conversamos com João Augusto Campos, um dos fundadores do Nectar CRM e atual CEO da empresa.
É impossível falar em Vendas no ecossistema de Startups e não mencionar o João, que é hoje uma das grandes referências do tema no Brasil. À frente da Nectar – startup goiana que recebeu o maior aporte da história no estado – foi responsável por estruturar uma forte cultura corporativa, além de um playbook de vendas que continua performando bem mesmo nesse momento instável.
Assista à essa inspiradora conversa, que envolveu temas como Funil de Vendas, Home-Office, Experiência do Cliente e Ideal Customer.
From ego to empathy
As a young designer you may have heard this phrase a lot. But what does it mean? As someone who is pretty empathetic and self-critical, I never felt like it applied to me. But in retrospect, I think that's because most people use "ego" to describe inflated self-importance, when it's really just a word that describes how we understand our personal identity.
The distinction is important because letting go of your ego can be a nuanced practice in empathy. It's not just advice for arrogant jerks, it's essential for anyone working professionally. As a designer, my thoughts, tastes and keystrokes obviously are part of the equation, but it took some time to figure out that I could not create work in a silo as a reflection of my "aesthetic."
To some of you this might sound like a bummer, but when you take on a client's challenges and their point of view, you will have to think differently. You will find new approaches and you will grow. But more on that later.
"As a young designer you may have heard this phrase a lot. But what does it mean? As someone who is pretty empathetic and self-critical, I never felt like it applied to me."
Ernst Neufert in "The art of architectural design".
OK, but what does this have to do with my brand?
As a young designer you may have heard this phrase a lot. But what does it mean? As someone who is pretty empathetic and self-critical, I never felt like it applied to me. But in retrospect, I think that's because most people use "ego" to describe inflated self-importance, when it's really just a word that describes how we understand our personal identity.
As a young designer you may have heard this phrase a lot. But what does it mean? As someone who is pretty empathetic and self-critical, I never felt like it applied to me. But in retrospect, I think that's because most people use "ego" to describe inflated self-importance, when it's really just a word that describes how we understand our personal identity.
From ego to empathy
As a young designer you may have heard this phrase a lot. But what does it mean? As someone who is pretty empathetic and self-critical, I never felt like it applied to me. But in retrospect, I think that's because most people use "ego" to describe inflated self-importance, when it's really just a word that describes how we understand our personal identity.
The distinction is important because letting go of your ego can be a nuanced practice in empathy. It's not just advice for arrogant jerks, it's essential for anyone working professionally. As a designer, my thoughts, tastes and keystrokes obviously are part of the equation, but it took some time to figure out that I could not create work in a silo as a reflection of my "aesthetic."
Famous last words
As a young designer you may have heard this phrase a lot. But what does it mean? As someone who is pretty empathetic and self-critical, I never felt like it applied to me. But in retrospect, I think that's because most people use "ego" to describe inflated self-importance, when it's really just a word that describes how we understand our personal identity.
Hope this answers some of your questions, Dmitro.
- Author's name